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再基地|鄭淑麗+馬修・富勒《Sleep 79》 給資訊產業勞動者的聲音療養院
Re-Based | Shu Lea Cheang +Matthew Fuller《Sleep 79》 Sanatorium for Information Shock-Workers

本活動試圖重新詮釋俄羅斯建築師康斯坦丁.梅利尼科夫(Konstantin Melnikov)的《睡眠奏鳴曲》。梅利尼科夫認為睡眠是健康的根本,這位蘇聯時期的建築師提出興建一座多重感官勞工宿舍,結合舒緩放鬆的聲響,讓勞動者獲得良好的睡眠。


These events seek to reinterpret Konstantin Melnikov’s plan for the building Sonata of Sleep. Melnikov, an architect during the Soviet era and after, believed sleep was the foundation of health and proposed to build a multi-sensory dormitory that used relaxing and soothing sounds to improve the quality of sleep for the shock-workers of the first five year plan. The architectural scheme was never realized in Melnikov’s lifetime. Now, Taiwan-based sound artists participating in this project will reconstruct Melnikov’s concept and build a sound sanatorium for workers who are exhausted by the constant bombardment of information in this post-industrial era. 
▍Date: 17th to 18th November, 17:06-6:12. (From sunset to sunrise, overnight event) 
▍Venue: Art Space II, 1F

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